logotipo u-c

A rational approach on the UMMO subject

D62 Analysis of terrestrial parapsychology - 7 letters


Idioma Español Spanish Language

Nº de Copias 1 Number of Copies 1

Fecha: 1966 Date: 1966




Nos solicita usted una serie de informes en torno a temas tan heterogéneos como GRAVITACIÓN, PARAPSICOLOGÍA, ASTRONOMÍA, FOTOGRAFÍA, y PSICOPEDAGOGÍA INFANTIL. We asked you a series of reports on topics as heterogeneous as GRAVITATION, parapsychology, astronomy, photography, and PSICOPEDAGOGÍA CHILDREN.


Esto nos pone en un verdadero aprieto, ya que cualquier monografía especializada en cualquiera de esos vastísimos campos de la ciencia puede usted mismo presumir que exigiría cientos de páginas y un gran esfuerzo de síntesis. This puts us in a real bind, because any specialized monograph on any of these over very wide fields of science can boast that you yourself would require hundreds of pages and a great effort of synthesis.


Nuestra situación por otra parte es harto delicada puesto que cualquier dato no conocido por los terrestres ha de ser previamente censurado por nuestra superiora a quien estamos sumisos. Our situation is well otherwise delicate as any information not known to the land must be previously censored by our superior to whom we are submissive.


Hemos de limitarnos las más de las veces a resumir en forma muy esquemática ciertos conceptos y descripciones, los esquemas y gráficos han de ser trazados torpemente de modo que el riesgo de un análisis por parte de presuntos especialistas de Tierra quede reducido al mínimo. We limit most of the time to summarize in a schematic form certain concepts and descriptions, diagrams and charts should be drawn so awkwardly that the risk analysis by specialists of land were allegedly minimized. Sólo podemos brindarle, en torno a las ciencias fisicoquímicas y biológicas, información matemática a un nivel asequible para ustedes y en torno a temas que si bien no son conocidos por ustedes,  no puedan constituir una verdadera revolución en el estadio actual de la técnica terrestre. We can only provide, at about chemical and biological sciences, mathematical information to an affordable level for you, and on issues that although not known to you, can not constitute a real revolution in the current stage of technical ground.


Así es posible que le enviemos a usted próximamente un pequeño estudio matemático en torno a campos gravitatorios negativos (no a nivel de divulgación sino verdaderamente científico) Este trabajo lo puede usted presentar como inédito a cualquier especialista terrestre, pero no por eso modificará en un plan trascendental la fase actual de la ciencia sobre por ejemplo la tan deseada por ustedes teoría general de unificación de campos. Thus it is possible that we send you shortly a small mathematical study gravitational fields around negative (not at the level of disclosure but truly scientific) This work was presented as unpublished may you all to do on Earth, but why not amend a plan transcendental stage of science on such a highly desired by you general theory of unification of fields.


Nuestro problema respecto a usted, se centra por tanto en saber si aparte de algún trabajo genuinamente científico que podamos remitirle, como prueba de nuestro nivel intelectual, desea usted que nuestros informes alrededor de esos sugestivos temas que nos solicita, sean redactados en un plan divulgador tal como aquellas notas que le remitimos sobre equipos UULODOO (FOTOGRÁFICAS CÁMARAS) o los informes que redactados a un nivel más superficial todavía, remitimos periódicamente al Sr. Fernando Sesma Manzano. Our problem with you, therefore focuses on whether apart from some genuinely scientific work that we send, as proof of our intellectual level, you want our reports about those suggestive themes we applied for are written in a plan released such as those notes which we refer UULODOO Equipment (PHOTO CAMERA) or written reports to a more superficial level still regularly refer to Mr. Fernando Sesma Manzano.


Sólo queda usted obligado, salvo instrucciones en contra, divulgar entre sus amistades creyentes, su lectura. It remains incumbent upon you, unless instructions to the contrary, believers spread among his friends, reading.


De todos modos, le reiteramos lo que en una conversación telefónica le indicó nuestro superior en la península ibérica: DEI 98 hijo de DEI 97 a quien estamos sumisos. Anyway, we reiterate that in a telephone call our supervisor told him in the Iberian Peninsula: 98 son of DEI DEI 97 to whom we are submissive.


No olvide que este tipo de creencias en el seno de ciertos sectores sociales terrestres, es valorado con desconfianza y hostilidad. Do not forget that such beliefs within certain social sectors Earth, is valued with suspicion and hostility. Tal postura por parte de las personas asépticas está justificada en muchos casos. Such a stance by the aseptic people is justified in many cases.


Apoyar testimonios a favor de nuestra identidad, Sr. Garrido Buendía, puede provocar reacciones y posturas muy desagradables para su vida social y hasta profesional. Supporting evidence in favor of our identity, Mr. Garrido Buendia and postures can cause unpleasant reactions to their social life and even professional. Les aconsejamos, por tanto, que no insista en defender nuestra realidad ante ciertas individualidades. We recommend, therefore, not to insist on defending our reality to certain individuals. Incluso en caso extremo veríamos justificadísimo que usted mismo niegue la veracidad de tales contactos recurriendo al argumento tan sencillo como vulgar de atribuirnos el carácter de simples bromistas o perturbados mentales. Even in the extreme case we would deny yourself justificadísimo that the accuracy of these contacts using the argument as simple as vulgar ascribing mere pranksters or mentally disturbed. Usted ha de ser lógico por otra parte y comprender que no puede pedirse a todo el mundo terrestre que crea unas afirmaciones que tan sólo están basadas para ellos en la lectura rápida y no analizada de unos textos que mentalidades poco críticas han de identificar con parrafadas de esas novelas de ciencia ficción tan en boga entre los terrestres. You must be logical and understand the other hand can not be ordered to land everyone who believes that some statements are based only on reading to them quickly and not analyzed texts that uncritical minds are to identify with tirades of those science fiction novels so popular among land.


No constituiría tampoco prueba definitiva el envío de estudios científicos serios, como hemos podido comprobar cuando éstos  fueron remitidos a especialistas de otras naciones, pues siempre podrán interpretarse como geniales concepciones de otros científicos terrestres cuya identidad quieren ocultar bajo un original humor pasando por EXTRATERRESTRES. Not constitute definitive proof either sending serious scientific research, as we saw when they were referred to specialists from other nations, as always be interpreted as great views of other earth scientists whose identity they want to hide under an original EXTRATERRESTRES through humor.


Un ejemplo lo tienen ustedes con unas láminas de AOXIBOO AGODAA un producto sintetizado por nosotros en los colores blanco y verde ceniza y con un parecido a los plásticos terrestres, sólo aparente. One example you have a sheet with a product AOXIBOO AGODAA synthesized by us in white and green ash and a land like plastics, only apparent. Esta sustancia ofrece gran resistencia a la tracción (el Sr. Sesma Manzano posee un fragmento que le fue enviado por un amigo, procedente de nuestro aterrizaje en Aluche poblado C Madrid. (6 Febrero 1966) Pues bien: Tal sustancia es desconocida por ustedes. Tan sólo algunos gobiernos en cuyo poder cayeron tales láminas hicieron un análisis del mismo por medio de los departamentos especializados. Sin embargo algunos profesores en cuyas manos cayeron muestras similares se limitaron a comentar lo “curioso” del caso ya reconocer que ignoraban el origen de tal sustancia. La sola sugerencia de que procediera de astros lejanos les llenaba de regocijo. Claro es que podría ironizarse sobre tan extraña lógica, sugiriéndoles que: This substance provides great tensile strength (Mr. Sesma Manzano has a fragment that was sent by a friend, from landing in our town Aluche C Madrid. (6 February 1966) Well That substance is unknown to you. Only a few governments in whose possession such films fell was tested by the same specialist departments. However some teachers in whose hands were similar samples were limited to say how "curious" of the case and recognize that ignoring the origin of such substance. The mere suggestion that came from distant stars filled them with joy. Of course that could ironic about this strange logic, suggesting that:




Más no merece la pena que ustedes agoten sus energías en convencer a unos incrédulos. Not worth more than you use up their energy to convince some incredulous. Por el contrario si lo consiguiesen ustedes nos causarían un serio trastorno puesto que en realidad no deseamos una postura de credulidad a escala terrestre o macrosocial. Conversely if you got it cause us a serious disorder because they do not really want a position of credulity to land or macro scale. No es un secreto para ustedes que las pocas personas que han tenido contacto con nosotros constituyen un grupo-test para nuestros estudios psicosociales de la humanidad terrestre. It is no secret to you that the few people who have had contact with us as a group-test for our psychosocial studies of terrestrial humanity. A cambio de ese servicio les brindamos informes por lo que juzgamos que la mutua deuda de gratitud que hayamos podido contraer queda cancelada por ambas partes. In exchange for this service we provide reports on what we think the mutual debt of gratitude that we were able to contract is canceled by both parties.


Les invitamos pues a que depongan toda postura de hostilidad hacia las personas que nos identifiquen como enfermos mentales, aventureros o especialistas en fraudes. We invite you therefore to lay down any hostile attitude towards people we identify as mentally ill, adventurers and fraud specialists. Ello no seria caritativo y les enfrentaría a ustedes por nuestra culpa con sus hermanos, que actúan con indudable buena fe al resistirse a dar crédito a tan extraordinario asunto. This would not be charitable and you confront them because of us with his brothers, who act in good faith undoubtedly resist giving credence to such an extraordinary case.


Nos resta indicarle Sr. Dionisio Garrido Buendía que le remitiremos una serie de notas en torno al tema :QUÉ HAY DE CIERTO SOBRE LOS FENÓMENOS PARAPSICOLÓGICOS REGISTRADOS POR USTEDES Y QUE HAY DE FRAUDULENTO EN ELLOS. It remains to indicate that Mr. Dionisio Garrido Buendia send you a series of notes on the subject: WHAT'S ON SOME psychic phenomena REGISTERED FOR YOU AND WHAT'S FRAUDULENT IN THEM.


Le remitiremos un recio informe sobre campo gravitatorio, y unas notas DE DIVULGACION acerca de cómo utilizamos nosotros las ondas gravitatorias (CUYA NATURALEZA DIFIERE DE LAS ELECTRO MAGNÉTICAS) en el campo de las comunicaciones de UMMO. We'll send a loud report gravitational field, and some notes DISCLOSURE about how we use gravitational waves (whose nature differs from ELECTRO MAGNETIC) in the field of communications Ummo.



Idioma Español Spanish Language

Nº de Copias 1 Number of Copies 1

Dionisio Garrido Buendía Garrido Dionisio Buendía





Ante todo hemos de advertirles que el concepto tópico en la Tierra de parapsicología como tal, nos es desconocido en UMMO. Above all we must warn that the concept topic in the Land of parapsychology as such, it is unknown in Ummo.


Explicaremos esto: Explain this:


Ustedes encuadran bajo el nombre de fenómenos Parapsicológicos, a toda una serie de observaciones en torno por ejemplo de la telepatía, clarividencia, la precognición, la ectoplasmia. You fall under the name of psychic phenomena, to a series of observations on such telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, ectoplasmy. la sugestión hipnótica, la psicotelequinesia etc., intentando brindar una explicación científica de determinadas noticias relacionadas con las casas de duendes, los portentosos prodigios conseguidos por los brahmanes de la India, la fotografía de materializaciones realizadas por los espiritualistas (antiguos espiritistas) o la radiestesia entre otros muchísimos fenómenos  registrados por la civilización terrestre. hypnotic suggestion, the psicotelequinesia etc., trying to provide a scientific explanation of certain information relating to the homes of elves, mighty miracles achieved by the Brahmins of India, a photograph of embodiments made by spiritualists (former spiritualists) or dowsing among many other events recorded by the terrestrial civilization.


En tanto en cuanto esos fenómenos son tan sólo registrados y analizados sin que conste una auténtica demostración de sus causas y las leyes que lo rigen, no puede otorgárseles la categoría de PSICOLÓGICOS y deberán desconfiar de su realidad científica. As long as these phenomena are only recorded and analyzed without stating a true demonstration of their causes and laws governing it can not be granted to them the category of Psychological and should be wary of scientific reality.


Por ello los psicólogos terrestres se resisten a admitir una gran parte de estos fenómenos. Therefore land psychologists are reluctant to admit a large proportion of these phenomena. No faltaron pues científicos Terrestres como RICHET, RAICHEMBACH, CROOKES, DA SILVA, que intentaron sistematizar, analizar y desbrozar del fraude a los verdaderos fenómenos que hasta entonces habían sido despectivamente clasificados dentro de las doctrinas ocultistas, magia, alquimia, demonología etc., para incorporarlos al acervo de las disciplinas científicas. Earth scientists were not lacking because as RICHET, RAICHEMBACH, Crook, DA SILVA, who tried to systematize, analyze and cleared of fraud to the real phenomena that had hitherto been contemptuously classified in occult doctrines, magic, alchemy, demonology and so on., To incorporate them into the scientific disciplines.


En este punto no hay duda, si a un fenómeno le otorga usted mismo la categoría de parapsicológico, es que los mismos científicos terrestres desconfían de su idoneidad o por lo menos ignoran su génesis o sus leyes, puesto que de no ser así pasa automáticamente a integrarse en la ciencia psicológica oficial. At this point there is no doubt, if a phenomenon gives you parapsychological same category, is that scientists themselves are wary of land suitability or at least ignore its genesis or its laws, since otherwise it automatically switches to integrated into formal psychological science. Así ocurrió con la hipnósis de cuya realidad y causas dudaron mucho tiempo los científicos terrestres para admitirla plenamente a principios de este siglo terrestre. So with the hypnosis of the reality and causes long doubted earth scientists to fully admit to land early this century.


Ello no quiere expresar que los restantes fenómenos sean fraudulentos o irreales, sino tan sólo que están en la fase de crítica y estudio. This is not to say that the other phenomena are fraudulent or unreal, but only those in the critical stage and studio. Un ejemplo ilustrativo aunque proveniente de otro sector del conocimiento, lo tienen ustedes con respecto a los denominados UFO u OVNI o más vulgarmente en su versión castellana platillos voladores o volantes, o más concretamente aún: ESTE GRUPO DE HOMBRES DE UMMO que estamos en contacto con docenas de hombres terrestres. An illustrative example from another sector although knowledge, what do you have regarding the so-called UFO or UFO or more commonly in Castilian version or flying saucers or, more specifically still, THIS GROUP OF MEN Ummo we are in contact with dozens of men on Earth.


¿Qué postura habrán de adoptar los expertos terrestres frente a nuestra identidad, o frente a la realidad de esas cosmonaves vistas por millares de testigos? What position be taken by experts land in front of our identity, or face the reality of these cosmonaves seen by thousands of witnesses?


Con toda lógica la primera reacción plausible debe ser de prudente escepticismo: La de previa incredulidad. Logically the first reaction should be prudent plausible skepticism: The one after disbelief.


Mas esta incredulidad no debe presentar los caracteres de INMOVILISTAS, propios de personas con escaso nivel mental (bajo índice de inteligencia) que niegan por sistema sin molestarse en analizar, estudiar, y realizar una severa crítica con elementos de juicio. But this unbelief not present characters of immobility, characteristic of people with low mental level (low IQ) by denying the system without bothering to analyze, discuss, and make a severe criticism with evidence.


No debe creerse “a priori” un TESTIMONIO SIMPLE mientras no se descarten todas las posibilidades de fraude. You should not believe "a priori" a SINGLE WITNESS while being discarded all possibilities of fraud. Así por ejemplo no basta que un testigo asevere haber visualizado un platillo volante, sin antes descartar sistemáticamente las siguientes hipótesis: For example not enough that a witness claimed to have viewed a flying saucer, without systematically exclude the following assumptions:


El testigo miente deliberadamente con el fin de bromear, de obtener un beneficio económico o simplemente por motivaciones megalomaníacas (tales como aparecer en la prensa, ser admirado por los amigos). The witness deliberately lied in order to joke, of financial gain or simply for megalomanic (such as appear in the press, being admired by friends).


El testigo no miente deliberadamente, es víctima de delirio de tipo paranoide, fábula libremente por motivaciones patológicas. The witness did not deliberately lie, a victim of paranoid delusion, fable freely pathologically motivated.


El testigo atribuye sin padecer ningún factor psicopatológico, o bien padeciéndolo o bajo los efectos de un agente psicógeno anormal (drogas, gases terror etc.) cae bajo los efectos de una ilusión óptica o de una alucinación. The witness conferred without suffering any psychopathological factor either suffered or are under the influence of an abnormal psychogenic agent (drugs, terror gases etc.) Falls under the influence of an optical illusion or a hallucination.


El testigo lo atribuye a ciertos elementos técnicos, meteorológicos, o físicos en general caracteres de cosmonave misteriosa. The witness was attributed to certain technical elements, weather, or general physical cosmonave mysterious characters. Ejemplo: AVIONES A REACCION, GLOBOS- SONDA, AUTOGIROS, MISILES, AEROLITOS, GRANDES AVES, FENÓMENOS DE TURBULENCIA ESPECULARES, RAYOS ESFÉRICOS. Example: jets, trial balloons, gyro, ROCKETS, aerolite, BIG BIRD, TURBULENCE PHENOMENA specular RAY SPHERICAL. (estos últimos muy raros ). (the latter very rare).


El científico, con razón exigirá pruebas más eficientes (testimonios colectivos) fotografías, (analizando los negativos para detectar fraude ). The scientific evidence rightly require more efficient (collective testimony) photographs, (analyzing the negative to detect fraud).


Análisis de las huellas dejadas por la supuesta astronave (valorando la profundidad, cargas dinámicas, temperaturas, tensiones estáticas, etc. No bastando una de ellas sino exigiendo todas simultáneamente para verificar su verosimilitud. Analysis of the traces left by the alleged spacecraft (assessing the depth, dynamic loads, temperatures, static stress, etc.. Saturno but demanding them all simultaneously to check their plausibility.


O bien refiriéndose a la presencia de un grupo de extraterrestres mezclados entre seres de este planeta, sería inadmisible o  pueril, que un especialista o incluso una persona corriente de mediana inteligencia, acepte nuestro testimonio por el sólo hecho de remitirles a ustedes unas hojas mecanografiadas o unos dibujos mal trazados realizados con vulgares pinceles o lápices de Tierra. Or, referring to the presence of a mixed group of extraterrestrial beings on this planet, it is inadmissible or childish, a specialist or even an ordinary person of average intelligence, accept our testimony by referring them just because you typed or leaves badly drawn drawings made with ordinary brushes or pencils Earth.


SÓLO SI ESOS ESCRITOS GOZAN DE UN CONTENIDO  IDEOLÓGICO, CIENTÍFICO, O TECNOLÓGICO ÚTIL, el experto o persona con elevado cociente intelectual deberá mantenerse en ACTITUD DE DUDA ACTIVA, requiriendo nuevos datos, exigiendo nuevas pruebas, criticando con agudeza y método aquellos puntos obscuros cuya concordancia con el campo de la ciencia terrestre sea contradictorio o sospechoso. ONLY IF GRANTED THOSE WRITINGS OF CONTENT ideological, scientific, or technological USEFUL, the expert or person with high IQ will be kept ACTIVE ATTITUDE OF DOUBT, requiring new data, requiring new tests, and sharply criticizing those obscure points method whose consistency with the field of earth science is contradictory and suspect.

ANALIZANDO TODOS LOS DETALLES Y SOBRE TODO VALORANDO SISTEMÁTICAMENTE EL CONJUNTO. Discuss all the details and especially appreciate systematically with all.

Les hemos puesto estos ejemplos, de vivo interés en estos momentos para ustedes, para que se esfuercen en comprender el SANO escepticismo de los científicos terrestres. We have given these examples, of keen interest at this time for you to strive to understand the healthy skepticism of earth scientists. Si nosotros como representantes de una civilización más vieja, más avanzada les reprochamos (aunque con caritativa y comprensible indulgencia) una serie de males que aquejan a la estructura social de este bello planeta, NO PODEMOS en cambio acusar a los intelectuales de la tierra por adoptar estas posturas severas de escepticismo frente a ciertos fenómenos “NO DEMOSTRADOS EXHAUSTIVAMENTE”. If we as representatives of an older civilization, more advanced reproach them (albeit understandable charitable indulgence) a series of ills affecting the social structure of this beautiful planet, however we CAN NOT blame the intellectuals of the land by adopting these postures severe skepticism about certain phenomena "NO comprehensively demonstrated.


Pero ¿es que piensan ustedes seriamente que si esas barreras mentales opuestas por los físicos, por los biólogos, por los psicólogos y los matemáticos entre otros, hubieran ustedes este nivel cultural por paupérrimo y falto de espiritualidad que los juzguen? But did you seriously think that if these mental barriers raised by physicists to biologists, psychologists and mathematicians among others, you have this cultural level by impoverished and lacking in spirituality to judge them?


Si por una versión popular referente a una casa de duendes, el simple testimonio de unos espectadores de una “Séance Espiritista”, el relato de una anciana referente a una vivencia telepática, los misteriosos escritos de unos presuntos seres extraterrestres o la simple narración de los testigos que vieron trepar por una cuerda al pequeño “chela” dirigido por un SADDU del Indostán, los científicos se apresurasen a otorgarles el carácter de fenómenos reales, pueden ustedes imaginarse la exuberancia de impostores, de alucinados, de enfermos psíquicos que pretenderían ser incluidos en la Historia de la Ciencia. If a popular version regarding a house elves, the simple testimony of some witnesses of a "Spiritualist Séance," the story of an elderly concerning a telepathic experience, the mysterious writings of extraterrestrials presumed or simple narrative of the witnesses who saw a rope to climb small "chela" led by a Saddu of Hindustan, scientists hasten to give them the character of real phenomena, can you imagine the exuberance of impostors, hallucinations, mentally ill people who would claim to be included in History of Science.


Toda esa broza entorpecería el lento pero progresivo avance de la psicofisiología. All this rubbish impede the slow but sure progress of psychophysiology. Los científicos terrestres están muy escarmentados por los falsos médium, los individuos histéricos, los iluminados sin cuento que han poblado el planeta de ustedes. Earth scientists are very chastened by the false medium, hysterical individuals, the enlightened countless that have populated the planet for you.


Es verdad que esa actitud reticente, desconfiada a ultranza corre el riesgo de menospreciar, minimizar, y dejar sin análisis ciertos fenómenos verdaderamente dignos de estudio, por ello nosotros les invitamos a que jamás adopten actitudes dogmáticas. It is true that this reluctance, distrustful uncompromising underestimate risks, minimize, and waive certain phenomena analysis truly worthy of study, so we invite them to adopt attitudes never dogmatic.






Por ello el hombre objetivo e inteligente no debe jamás dejarse arrastrar por el desaliento, cuando después de haber comprobado una y otra vez, que una médium es una impostora, sienta la tentación de abandonar el estudio. Therefore the objective and intelligent man should never be swayed by dismay when, after having checked again and again, that a medium is an impostor, you may be tempted to leave the study.


Un ejemplo maravilloso lo brindan ustedes los terrestres en el caso de los fenómenos telepáticos. A wonderful example is provided by the land you in the event of telepathic phenomena.


Durante muchos años la “SOCIETY FOR PSICHICAL RESEARCH” de Londres recopiló millares de datos, relatos de análisis en torno a vivencias telepáticas verificadas por personas de diversa posición social y nivel formativo profesional. For many years the "SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH PSICHICAL in London collected thousands of data, analytical stories about telepathic experiences verified by persons of different social status and professional training level.


Los resultados fueron desalentadores según confiesan los mismos psicólogos que clasificaron y estudiaron el ingente material. The results were disappointing as they confess the same psychologists who rated the enormous material and studied. El porcentaje de fraudes, de relatos cuya única base estribaba en el afán de ciertas personas histeroides de salir del anonimato y gris existencia, revelando supuestos fenómenos extraordinarios, fue tan abrumadora, que los especialistas estuvieron a punto de calificar la telepatía como un mito semejante a la nigromancia. The percentage of fraud in stories whose only basis lay in the desire of some people hysterical to emerge from anonymity and gray existence, revealing alleged extraordinary phenomena was so overwhelming that the specialists were about to qualify as a myth telepathy like necromancy.


Pero surge la escuela del Dr. RHINE utilizando técnicas estadísticas matemáticas y un riguroso control científico, que cristalizaron en un redescubrimiento de la telepatía utilizada hoy con gran reserva por los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética, a partir de las famosas experiencias del submarino Nautilus que ustedes conocieron en su día a través de la prensa. But there is the school of Dr. RHINE using mathematical and statistical techniques, rigorous scientific, which resulted in a rediscovery of telepathy used today with great reserve by the United States and the Soviet Union, from the famous experiments of the submarine Nautilus you know in your day through the press.


¿Qué hubiera pasado si el desaliento y asqueados los científicos ante los bromistas, los alienados, los paramnésicos, y tantos otros vividores y mitómanos, que pretendían poseer facultades telepáticas, hubieran cerrado sus dossier y abandonado el campo? What would have happened if the scientists dismay and disgust at the pranksters, the alienated, the paramnésicos, and many other spivs and mythologists, who claimed to have telepathic powers, had closed his file and left the field?


A nuestra llegada al planeta Tierra, tras atravesar una serie de vicisitudes hasta adaptarnos al idioma y civilización terrestres, iniciamos una serie de estudios en torno a la cultura de ustedes. Upon our arrival to Earth, after crossing a series of vicissitudes to adapt to the language and terrestrial civilization, we initiated a series of studies around your culture.

Lógicamente nos llamó la atención este campo de la ciencia embrionaria. Logically we noticed this embryonic field of science. Ciertos fenómenos llamados por ustedes parapsicológicos o metapsíquicos, como la telepatía, nos eran muy familiares. Certain phenomena called parapsychological or meta-psychic for you, such as telepathy, we were very familiar. Sonreímos comprensivos al leer las explicaciones que sobre tal materia brindan los psiquiatras especializados de la Universidad de DUKE. Sympathetic smile when reading the explanations on such matters provide specialized psychiatrists at Duke University.


Pero nosotros nos encontramos con descripciones y fenómenos tales como la regurgitación ectoplásmatica o la fotografía espiritista que nos llenaron de asombro por ser totalmente desconocidos en el Planeta UMMO. But we find descriptions and phenomena such as ectoplasmic regurgitation or spiritualist photography that filled us with awe for being totally unknown in the Metro Ummo.

Un grupo de hermanos encabezados por YOA 6, hijo de UNOO 532, inició inmediatamente sus estudios desplazándose a Nueva Delhi ya Boston. A group of brothers led by YOA 6, son of UNOOO 532, immediately began their studies by going to New Delhi and Boston. Estos fueron los principios de un estudio que ha concluido con un informe provisional enviado a la sección de investigaciones de UMMOAELEWE de UMMO. These were the principles of a study which concluded with an interim report sent to the research section of Ummo UMMOAELEWE.

A lo largo de estos próximos informes les resumiremos nuestro punto de vista frente a ciertos misteriosos fenómenos analizados. Over the next few reports will summarize our point of view against certain mysterious phenomena analyzed. Las explicaciones acompañadas de gráficos, la realidad y la ficción, el fraude y el rigor científico de muchas de tales experiencias será descrita desde nuestro exclusivo punto de vista. The explanations accompanied by graphics, reality and fiction, fraud and scientific rigor of many such experiences will be described from our unique standpoint.



Nº de Copias 1 Number of Copies 1

Idioma Español Spanish Language

Fecha Date


Dionisio Garrido Buendía Garrido Dionisio Buendía



LOS FENOMENOS DE MATERIALIZACIÓN. The phenomena of materialization. LA ECTOPLASMIA. THE ectoplasmy.

Las primeras referencias que encontramos respecto al fenómeno de ectoplasmia fueron localizadas por nosotros en una biblioteca de París, repasando una colección de la REVUE METAPSICHIQUE polografiada por René Warcollier. The first references found on the phenomenon of ectoplasmy were located by us in a Paris library, reviewing a collection of METAPSICHIQUE REVUE polografiada by René Warcollier. Nuestros hermanos desplazados en Francia, ignoraban aún muchas cosas de la civilización terrestre, y gran parte de las investigaciones terrestres en torno a las ciencias psicológicas nos eran familiares. Our brothers displaced in France, much still unaware of the terrestrial civilization, and much of the ground investigations in psychological science around us were relatives. Nuestro objetivo se centraba en valorar hasta qué nivel habían ustedes profundizado en estos estudios. Our focus was on assessing to what degree have you delved into these studies.


Una referencia a las experiencias realizadas por el Dr. GELEY con el médium Franck Kluisqui (posteriormente hemos leído la obra de este especialista (La ectoplasmie et la clairvoyance) llenaron de asombro a nuestros hermanos. No habíamos conocido jamás en UMMO fenómenos tan extraordinarios. Por fin encontrábamos en el planeta tierra un descubrimiento que pese a nuestra vieja cultura no habían logrado verificar nuestros especialistas en BIEEWIGUU (psicobiología). En UMMO todo estudio del comportamiento mental de los seres vivos se aglutina bajo esa denominación. A reference to the experiments by Dr. Geley with the medium Kluisqui Franck (later we read the work of this specialist (The ectoplasmy et la clairvoyance) was astounded when our brothers. We had not ever met in Ummo such extraordinary phenomena. For so were on the planet earth a discovery that despite our old culture had failed to verify our specialists BIEEWIGUU (psychobiology). Ummo In any study of mental behavior of living things under that umbrella term.


Como ignoramos hasta qué punto conocen ustedes mismos el estado actual de los criterios terrestres en torno a la ectoplasmia, comenzaremos resumiéndoles los informes, a continuación de nuestras propias experiencias, expondremos al final nuestro punto de vista. As we ignore the extent to which you yourselves know the current state of terrestrial criteria ectoplasmy around, began by summarizing the reports, following our own experiences, we will discuss at the end our point of view.


Describiremos primero algunos hechos estudiados y les acompañaremos después de las explicaciones brindadas por los parapsicólogos y por la doctrina espiritista (antiguo espiritismo). First describe some facts studied and we will escort after the explanations given by the psychics and spiritualist doctrine (ex spiritualism).


Diversos análisis realizados por Richet, Geley, Crookes y Crawffor, entre otros, muestran como una médium en estado de trance es capaz de regurgitar es decir emitir por la boca unas veces, por el vientre, los senos, el ano, los ojos e incluso entre las piernas una extraña sustancia en forma de filamentos fluídicos, nebulosos y blanquecinos susceptibles de ser pesada unas veces, de fotografiarse siempre, capaz de provocar tensiones de tracción compresión sobre cuerpos, de levantar incluso mesas de adoptar las más curiosas formas. Various tests carried out by Richet, Geley, Crookes and Crawffor, among others, shown as a medium in trance is capable of regurgitating issue that is sometimes the mouth, the belly, breasts, anus, eyes and even between the legs a strange substance in the form of filaments fluidic, hazy, whitish likely to be heavy at times, always to be photographed, which can cause compression tensile stresses on bodies, to raise even more tables to take the curious shapes.


Unas veces la ectoplasmia adopta la morfología de una estrecha banda serpenteante que se arrastra por el suelo entre la emocionada expectación de los asistentes a la sesión. Sometimes the ectoplasmy takes the morphology of a winding narrow band that creeps along the ground between the excited anticipation of attending the session.


Otras veces se trata de un sutil hilo de sostener pequeños objetos (esta forma no la hemos llegado a comprobar). Other times it is a thin thread to hold small objects (this way we have not come to check). La hemos visto descrita en el tratado cumbre del Dr. Richet-Traité de Metapsichique) respecto a la médium polaca Stanislawa Tomcyk, véase Pág. 557. We've seen described in the treaty summit of Dr. Richet-Traité de Metapsichique) over the medium Stanislawa Polish Tomcyk, see p. 557.


Pero gran parte de las experiencias descritas en los tratados de Tierra, y comprobadas en las sesiones en que mis hermanos han sido testigos la ectoplasmia presentaba pseudo formas de miembros humanos, cabezas, pies manos, e incluso senos femeninos. But much of the experiences described in treatises on Earth, and tested in sessions in which my brothers have seen the ectoplasmy presented pseudo forms of human limbs, heads, feet, hands, and even female breasts.


Nos impresionó en gran manera una experiencia realizada por los Dres. We were greatly impressed by an experiment conducted by Drs. Richet y Geley que se desarrolló varias veces en torno a las siguientes materializaciones (describimos una de ellas). Richet and Geley that developed around several times in the following embodiments (described one of them).

En un aposento se disponían los siguientes elementos: véase figurando el mobiliario correspondiente, en la IMAGEN 1 In a room is available to the following: Figure for furniture in the IMAGE 1



En el extremo de la habitación un sillón para la médium, cerca del mismo un interruptor de la conducción eléctrica para una lámpara de incandescencia. At the end of the room for a couch for medium, about the same switch on the electrical conductivity for a filament lamp. A unos siete metros de distancia, junto a la pared opuesta una mesa sobre la que se dispone de un hornillo eléctrico perfectamente cubierto para evitar que la débil luminosidad de su resistencia pueda afectar a la estancia. At about seven feet away, next to the wall opposite the table on which there is a perfectly electric stove covered to prevent the weak light of its strength to affect the stay.


Sobre aquel un recipiente lleno de parafina fundida, producto cuyo punto de fusión como saben ustedes es casi tan bajo como el de ciertos estearatos, ceras etc. On that a container of melted paraffin, a product with a melting point as you know is almost as low as certain stearates, waxes etc..


Los científicos habiendo cuidado de adicionar a la parafina fundida un indicador químico secreto que permitiese identificarlo con posterioridad al experimento, “evitando así alguna forma de fraude”. Scientists having care of adding the melted paraffin secret a chemical indicator that could be identified after the experiment, "thus avoiding any form of fraud."


El aposento se cerraba herméticamente dejando en su interior a la médium con los observadores. The chamber is sealed inside leaving the medium with observers. Previamente se había comprobado que era imposible la entrada en el recinto a cualquier persona, oa través de paredes, puertas, techos y solado. Previously it had proved impossible to enter the premises to any person, or through walls, doors, ceilings and flooring.


La médium toma asiento y pide apagar la lámpara de iluminación. The medium took a seat and calls off the lamp lighting. Acto seguido invita a uno ya otro, cogiéndolos por las mangas de sus camisas que ellos a su vez mantendrán sujetas a las manos de la propia médium. He then invites one to another, taking them through the sleeves of their shirts that they in turn will tie the hands of their own medium. Se inicia un canto espiritista, dirigido por la médium, invitándoles a que prosigan los dos científicos aun después de que ella (tras haber entrado en estado de trance) deje de entonar el himno. It starts a song spiritualist mediums led by inviting them to continue the two scientists even after it (after having entered into a trance state) no longer sing the anthem.


Hacia los cinco minutos se escucha algún ruido en el fondo de la sala; la oscuridad es absoluta. Around five minutes later heard a noise in the back of the room, the darkness is absolute. Bastante tiempo después (evaluado el fin de la experiencia, como unos cuarenta minutos) despierta la médium, pide que suelten sus mangas y que enciendan inmediatamente después la bombilla. Much later (estimated to experience, as about forty minutes) awakens the medium calls for loose their sleeves and immediately ignite the bulb.


Sobre la mesa aparecen al lado del recipiente de parafina, dos moldes perfectos de mano de mujer y de niño (ambas las diestras) vaciados en parafina, revelando la imprimación de las huellas digitales de una persona distinta a la médium. Appear on the table next to the wax container, two molds right hand woman and a child (both the right-handed) in paraffin casts, revealing the primer fingerprints of a person other than the medium. Era imposible realizar el molde sumergiendo la mano en parafina caliente, sacando después de dejar enfriar la película hasta dividirla en dos mitades, para volverlas a adherir después. It was impossible to make the dipping mold in hot paraffin hand, pulling out after the movie cool to divide it into two halves, to re-join later.


Un examen microscópico reveló que tal corte no se había realizado y que por tanto el molde era de una sola pieza. A microscopic examination revealed that such court had not been completed and therefore the mold was of a piece. Además la médium no podía introducir tales moldes algo voluminosos fácilmente en el interior de la habitación. Moreover, the medium could not introduce such molds easily something bulky inside the room. Había sido cacheada previamente en el interior por una licenciada en medicina y los moldes tan frágiles se hubieran roto durante la palpación de aquellas. He had previously been cached within a degree in medicine so fragile and molds have been broken during palpation of those.


Por otra parte los especialistas la tuvieron sujeta por la camisa durante la sesión. Moreover specialists the subject had his shirt during the session. Era casi imposible el fraude según los estudiosos que realizaron el análisis. It was almost impossible to fraud according to the scholars who conducted the analysis.


Nosotros los hermanos desplazados de UMMO teníamos este y otros documentos (por supuesto mucho más explícitos y meticulosos que el relato que le hemos extractado) referente a muchas otras experiencias en torno a la regurgitación ectoplásmica. We Ummo displaced brothers had this and other documents (of course much more explicit and meticulous narrative that we extracted) regarding many other experiences around the ectoplasmic regurgitation. Parecía evidente que la mano de un espíritu, se había materializado, introduciéndose en la parafina y vuelto a desmaterializarse. It seemed clear that the hand of a spirit had materialized, dipping into the paraffin and dematerialize again.


Todo esto resultaba sorprendente para nosotros. All of this was surprising to us. Nuestra ciencia ha revelado la existencia del BUUWAA (alma) pero resulta pueril imaginar a ese espíritu adimensional, provisto de brazos y manos presto a impregnarse de parafina por mandato de una mujer. Our science has revealed the existence of BUUWAA (soul) but it is childish to imagine that spirit dimensionless provided with arms and hands ready to be impregnated with paraffin mandated by a woman. Pese a todo, nosotros no negamos la hipótesis ni la posibilidad de las experiencias ajenas. Nevertheless, we do not deny the hypothesis nor the possibility of the experience of others.


Sólo que tenemos la costumbre de revisar periódicamente tales experiencias para corroborar periódicamente su vigencia. We just have a habit of regularly reviewing these experiences to periodically verify its validity. Multitud de veces nos ha ocurrido que en nuestro planeta hemos acabado por comprobar el perfeccionarse técnicas empíricas (que antaño alcanzaron un grado de fiabilidad respetable) cómo, al aplicarlas de nuevo para comprobación de leyes aparentes, éstas se derrumban. Lots of times it has happened on our planet have come to check the refined empirical techniques (which once reached a respectable degree of reliability) how to apply them to check again apparent laws, they collapse.


Con más razón deseábamos comprobar las experiencias de ustedes los terrestres. All the more reason we wanted you to check the experiences of the land.


En el año 1959 tuvimos ocasión de rehacer la experiencia que les habíamos descrito. In 1959 we had the opportunity to remake the experience that we had described. Mucho antes habíamos realizado otras semejantes con diversas médium. Long before we had done the like with various mediums. Nuestros hermanos GII 64 hija de GII 63 y AARAA 7 hijo de UEWEE 91 localizaron en Estados Unidos a la médium Sra. Mac Lean que se prestó a reproducir el fenómeno de materialización citado. Our brothers daughter GII 64 GII 63 and son 7 AARA UEWEE 91 located in the United States to Ms. MacLean medium that was given to reproduce the phenomenon of materialization cited.


Nuestros hermanos concertaron con un círculo de espiritistas de Los Ángeles la realización de la sesión. Our brethren concluded with a circle of spiritualists in Los Angeles conducting the session. Se presentaron como dos espiritualistas convencidos (espiritistas) médicos noruegos. Were presented as two spiritualist convinced (spiritualists) Norwegian doctors.


La experiencia se llevó a cabo también en plena oscuridad. The experiment was also conducted in complete darkness. Nuestros hermanos introdujeron secretamente una doble cámara UULODOO sensible cada una a las frecuencias comprendidas entre las gamas 3,7.10 12 a 4,6.10 13 ciclos por segundo (infrarrojos) y 7,9.10 14 a 8,2.10 15 ciclos por segundo (ultravioleta), completaba el equipo un generador de frecuencias correspondiente a la gama antes citada. Our brethren secretly introduced a dual-chamber each UULODOO sensitive to frequencies between ranges 3,7.10 12 to 4,6.10 13 cycles per second (infrared) and 7,9.10 14 to 8,2.10 15 cycles per second (ultraviolet), completed the team a frequency generator for the range cited above. Las imágenes en movimiento se grabaron sobre un XANMOO con memoria de titanio. Moving images are recorded on a memory titanium XANMOO.


El examen posterior de las imágenes reveló perfectamente el fraude, y nuestros hermanos, aún en la oscuridad, observaron el ardid de le Sra. Mc Lean, que mediante una hábil maniobra y pensando que la sugestión ejercida por el cántico, y el misterio del momento impediría a nuestros hermanos ejercer el espíritu crítico, obligó a que éstos se cogiesen mutuamente de las mangas de la camisa, como si juzgasen que la aprehendían a ella. The examination of the images revealed perfectly fraud, and our brothers, even in the dark, he looked at the scheme of Mrs. McLean, who with skillful maneuvering and thinking that the suggestion exercised by the song, and the mystery of the moment prevent our brothers exercise critical thinking, they are forced cogiesen each of the sleeves of his shirt, as if they judge that it apprehended.


La médium se dirigió a la mesa, sacó de entre la braga tres guanteletes que aunque el examen fotográfico no permitió identificar su composición, se advertía perfectamente su elasticidad, (tal vez fueran caucho). The medium went to the table, took the panties from three gauntlets that although the photographic examination was unable to determine its composition are well warned its elasticity, (perhaps they were rubber). Aquella mujer los infló con la boca uno a uno, los metía en la parafina fundida, y los sacaba repetidamente esperando se enfriasen las diversas películas sucesivas. That woman's inflated mouth one by one, put them in melted paraffin, and repeatedly drew hoping to cool the various successive films.


Es curioso observar los gestos de inquietud que pese a la oscuridad, dejaba traducir mirando (sin ver) en la dirección donde nuestros hermanos, simulando no enterarse de nada, estaban frente a la silla vacía. It is curious to observe the gestures of concern that despite the darkness, looking to translate left (not seen) in the direction where our brothers, pretending not to know anything, were in front of the empty chair.


Una vez que la costra de parafina sobre el guante, presentaba algún espesor, la médium lo desinflaba y dejaba el molde sobre la mesa. Once the crust of paraffin on the glove, presented some thickness, the medium is deflated, leaving the pan on the table. Las papilas correspondientes a las huellas digitales, habían sido conseguidas en el guante elástico, con un molde previo de escayola sobre una mano natural, que sirvió luego para confeccionar el guante para el fraude. Taste for fingerprints, had been achieved in the elastic glove, with pre-cast plaster on a natural hand, which later served to make the glove for fraud.


Our brothers pretended to be satisfied with the experience with ectoplásmica materialization, other thirty and two experiences realised in Mexico, the United States, and England has demonstrated to us that ALL THE MATERIALIZATIONS WERE EXECUTED WITH SIMILAR SUBTERFUGES. The medium used gauze, muselina, caught of a tensile steel thread. An English medium used polyurethane foam impregnated with fluorescent substance. In two occasions he used vulgar a compound one of mercury that has the property to expand with a spongy structure.


The results, as it is seen, were negative. We have not secured in spite of our efforts a single case of real ectoplásmica materialization. And although a restricted range of experiments bankrupts definitively does not demonstrate the nonexistence of such phenomenon, makes think us that if you did not have technical means of detection of the fraud whereupon we have counted, with less reason are trustworthy the conclusions of the old metapsíquicos. They corroborate ours to seem, the present North American parapsicólogos that severely criticize the reality of ectoplasmia.


On the other hand, the explanation of many terrestrial ones gives the materialization is insufficient and unsatisfactory. How a being without dimensions can transform itself into dimensional?


All the speculated on explanations lack consistency and they amply seem to us ingenuous.


Demuéstrenos a single case of ectoplasmia we will accept and it. The experiences of Crawfford professor of mechanics applied of the “Policeman Technical Institute” of Belfast realised with the medium Ms Goligher even reveal the inconsistency of such theory.


All these failures do not have to discourage towards the study of the parapsicológicos phenomena, to the specialists. Throughout these pages we will at least reveal nonwell-known frauds to them by the Earth scientists. Thus in the next report we will discover to them as we unmasked the form whereupon some Hindus practice the famous session of the cord that maintains in the air while a young climb by her.


But such accumulation of imposturas does not prevent that from time to time they appear authentic and genuine Parapsicológicos phenomena that we are even analyzing seriously. The skepticism at any cost is as irrational as the fanatical credulity of some terrestrial people, who admit without the smaller critical spirit whichever advice and legend relates their friendly and relatives, with respect to surprising phenomena of which assure to have been witnesses.



Nº de Copias 1

Language: Spanish

Date: 1967


Neat Dionisio Buendía






In 1957 our 6 brother YOA son of UNOO 532 received the mandate to go to New Delhi first and later to Hyderabad to realise an ample study around mysterious phenomena realised by faquires of India.


The truth is that the strange mentality of the Earth men disturbed, us to the brothers of planet UMMO. From the moment in which assimilated some languages, (the French and the English were first that we were able to practice) the rich range of the thought, myths, of contradictory stories, the exhuberancia of forms of conduct and customs ligatures to the different cultures from this Planet, disturbed to us and even they discouraged to us at first.


We arrived at a Planet where in principle, we judged with a cultural level and scientific minor or major that the reached one in UMMO, at least the unification of religion, of the thought, costumary, would facilitate the study and analysis to us. Doubt that does not fit when being conceited those social conditions of you, we applied a egocentrista criterion thinking about that the terrestrial social network would be looked like ours, safe in the degree of the cultural heap.


We immediately realized error of our premature judgment. The mental dissosciation of the terrestrial man caused by social and historical biological factors and until geographic was evident for us. Against a nondespicable accumulation of truths and scientific realities, included by a reduced number of intellectuals and terrestrial scientists, the superstition, the myth, the populachera version of the psychological and scientist-physical biological laws divides and fragments the social network of this planet.


Memory that when we read in diverse printed publications, the immense series of beliefs in certain mysterious phenomena, we remained perplex. How to clear in the meantime story the real thing of the fiction? We established a methodical plan of study not to lose us in the twisted vericuetos of that Pleiad of gratuitous affirmations around the mystery. And we selected between the forest of stories, those that enter terrestrial ones, have reached greater diffusion of its context.


The practices of the YOGA, and the surprising phenomena of interment while still alive, instantaneous blossoming of vegetal plants, capacity to walk between incandescent ash-gray live coals or, levitation, bilease etc. drew attention powerfully to us.


An analogous document to which we sent to him to Neat Dionisio Buendía, was written up in German language in an attempt to put in contact with the managers of the “Congress the International to us of Prestidigitadores” celebrated days 27 to the 31 of August in Vienna year 1958. The previous calls to Mr. Hans Trunk, president of the Magischer Club of Vienna, by telephone were deplorable. Our displaced brother in Vienna decided not to send a report in which the scientific explanation to 16 phenomena of this class offered.


The stories that circulate around the famous terrestrial test of the “Hindu Cord” are varied. Against which it is created vulgarly they are not fakires who usually practice with more frequency (In fact this denomination is only correct for the mahometano hermit). But the Hindustani hermits or saddu.


THEY READ WITH ATTENTION THE MODUS OPERANDI: As it is really executed and as they registered our brothers. I have before me a description very detailed phono-image that, to be for you meticulous and excessively technical, I translate to a vulgarized language.


As I cannot accompany the story by the photographies taken from 600 M.s and 233 M.s of height by means of our UULUEWA (spherical equipment of about 2.19 cm. of provided diameter of camera UULOODOO (it photographs electrostatics) with propulsion dynamic magneto that can rise until the height of 0.1 KOAE to obtain views similar to the calls by fotogrametric you) and to catch sounds.


Like in a first attempt, our brothers failed becoming to happen through Irish tourists, which brought about the natural distrust of the native ones, the 2 of April of 1957 appeared in another village dressed and characterized like agents of the Pakistan of a specialized commercial company/signature in export of Tea of passage for Madras which they had felt curiosity from children to be present at the enchantment of the cord.


During four days they spendt the night in the village in the hope of old saddu whose son moved personally to look for it. He was not really genuine saddu, but the other two that lived near the river were not able to realise the prodigy. A good remuneration in pounds sterling stimulated those good people.


Towards the eight in the morning of day 7 of April of 1957, saddu, their two children and the governmental delegate of the village, and twenty-two native between men and women and small young people accompanied to our brothers until a located place 1.8 km we will explain to Them that it was a zone where the old one retired to meditate.


The UULUEWA followed to them about 800 M.s on their heads, without the ingenuous companions were noticed of it.


The 12 of February of 1957 arrived YOA 6 and 79 a subordinated brother UURIO son of IYIAA 5 to Hyderabad, to move towards villages, bordering to the Godavary river, where according to the extracted news of trustworthy sources, was possible to find some Hindu able ones to repeat these effects. Snags arose nevertheless. Our brothers traveled with passports extended to name of Irish citizen assumptions, and the authorities of the capital had to observe some irregularity, reason why they asked for telephone information of the Embassy of the EIRE. It had to flee from the hotel drawing for the monitoring of the police after destroying in our luggage the scientific material that took with himself, and returning after several incidents to Singapore, to try a new operation, that was realised this time without ties until Sholapur (provided again adapted equipment).


We had references of how the wonder of the “enchanted cord was realised in synthesis Hindu”. We even spoke read a story of a certain Juan Weyer, that in century XVI it published a titled booklet “Prestige of the demons”. We knew that a famous North American prestidigitador Howard Thurston went “specifically” to India in 1920 to look for fakir that it was lent to teach the way to him to realise the effect. It could not at least contemplate to not one time the session. Reina Victory of England in spite of being very interested in being witness of the surprising phenomenon did not obtain in its trip to the Hindu continent either, to see satisfied its desire although the occupation authorities moved from cipayos to diverse villages by the hundred to convince more to the native ones described. The failure was attributed, to the hatred that the Hindus felt by dominating the English.


A news article of the American journalist Mr. Keel who was published in the magazine '' Argosy” trying to divulge the secret, called to our brothers plus the attention. The writer could have been present at the test, but he speculated of an ingenuous way on possible explanations, that they seemed to us convincing little.


Our brothers classified much more material documentary, without not one of the studies or analyzed news articles offered a reasonable hypothesis. Some prestidigitadores aimed timidly that perhaps the explanation could be which enters two trees, a fine suspended cable could hold the cord. The argument was endeble if we read the stories of how took place the test, some times in esplanades in which the next tree was 40 meters (case E. Laigh 1903).


We would be before a genuine case to be able supernatural stranger in planet UMMO and within reach of terrestrial ones? We do not include/understand how no important Earth scientist worried to study a so suggestive case seriously. This is the first time that we revealed to you Earth men a secret carefully kept by saddu Hindu.


I accompany a coarse one to him I trace of photographies. The crossings are IBOZOO (Puntos) of reference that in the original one goes reviewed with a number of the code. A realised geologic study secretly revealed a structure with slates, arenaceous very cracked. The layer called by you phreatic was, to great depth.


The very stony land with very abundant gravel, presented/displayed an uncultivated vegetation. A small wood was about thirty meters of the point where we sat down. Saddu invited to accommodate to us to us forming an arc asking to us that by anything, and we saw what we saw, we rose, we approached or we fled; one undressed of its túnica and one went ahead with two of its grandsons men to about ten meters of where we were (son speaks to 6 YOA of UNNOO 532, our brother).

Saddu and his chela were postraron in earth to pray, their other grandson returned to where they were our brothers. A son of saddu meanwhile gave us to examine the cord (our brother URIOO79 relates) had been placed in the ring, the terminal cell of a UAXOOGOINNUU (detector used by us to register the nature and topológicas characteristics of hidden solid bodies) Our brother made pass all the cord (about 13 meters pranced coarsely with about 4 cm. of thickness) through his hands. 



They were astonished when observing that there was nothing in its interior, demolishing a hypothesis that had dreamed up.


The spectators intoned songs meanwhile. The delegate of the government, a species of mayor and administrator, intoned in company of other native ones knew that it, the hymn of the Pakistan in our honor, while we greeted the gesture with reverence.


Nevertheless (it continues relating our brother) pretending to be been relaxing we observed with attention all the movements of the boy who took the cord. We hoped that this one outside changed by means of a scheme, but did not happen anything of this surprising. Saddu continued postrado his chela deposited the heavy winding and it prepared in the ground separating small stones to it, and taking vegetal plants that made difficult the vision.


It coiled the prudent thickness again, forming a clockwise cylinder that the obtained images secretly revealed their diameter of 54 cm. and one height of 32 cm., the tieed end of the cord was placed in center of the roll (IMAGE 1).


During some UIW saddu did not move. His chela stayed like him to about two meters of the cord.  Finally it was gotten up, one took the hands to the nape of the neck and watched the roll fixedly; their lips did not move.


Some shouts of admiration were listened to when of the center of the winding it began to emerge the knot from the cord. This one rose slightly swaying itself, with the great slowness and at almost constant speed, about seven meters in 4,37 minutes; one saw perfectly as it were unrolled the cord towards the interior and it ascended as well with slowness.


The old one did not move, remaining with the boy to that same distance; finally the elevation stopped; still it waited for about two minutes, and soon with a gesture it issued order to the boy, who, going ahead, climbed agilely up the cable, while this one was swayed with you shoot with an arrow in its least upper bound, of the order of 40 cm. according to reveal the obtained images.


Later the boy descended. Saddu returned far from watching the cord, that was descending slowly. It was seen as as well a curl level with ground formed, the cord it was crowded now without order nor regular, in agreement winding descended. Saddu advance looking for the tieed end and invited to us to that we went ahead all. The row prevented (our brother tells us) to realise a meticulous examination but we verified that the prudent era exactly the same.


Our brothers confess that they returned perplex, to the circunstantes, had attended many spiritualist sessions, discovering many frauds. Terrestrial prestidigitación techniques of and ilusionismo had specialized in and thought that without the aid of the auxiliary equipment they could discover the fraud.


You, the Earth men usually conform in your psychic character, the instinctive anxiety towards the mystery. We would need many folios to make an analysis scientific of this psychological phenomenon. But an evident correlation between the lack of scientific formation and the unconscious desire exists of which made natural they take a form called by you magician.


When the Earth man does not have sufficient intelligence to by itself discover the essence of the laws that govern our WAAM (Universo), when his I devise is not able to realise serious technical studies consecrate that it before his contemporary with the category of philosopher or scientist, when its mental capacity is not able to not even realise fundamental studies of mathematical discharge, feels with a complex, delayed before the society.  They appear unconscious mechanisms of defense impel that it to occur to know and to feel popular, admired by the other members of the Society. This position is, we repeated, subconscious mind we cannot describe those poor people as embusteras (except for few cases).


They themselves sugestionan themselves arrogando the character of men and women equipped with strange powers. Phenomena that any physicist, psychologist, prestidigitador, or mathematician stop are perfectly explicable if it could analyze them with care, adopt for them the character of magicians, of supernatural.


They feel solaz in relating them, exaggerating them properly, surrounding them by a mystery aureole to make an impression to the circunstantes. Any student in calculation of probabilities knows the easy thing that he is between a million different events, that one of them takes a peculiar form. He will not lack then the person with histeroide mentality that attributes this event, a supernatural and magical character.


THEY CALL MAGICIAN TO EVERYTHING WHAT THEY DO NOT KNOW: As the ancestors of you you attributed magical character, to the ray and the sun eclipses. Obsérvese how the most superstitious people are between the devoid individuals of university studies. All you have listened to surprising stories of premonitions, experiences, miraculous treatments of cases of levitation, ghostly appearances… observe the people who narrate surprising facts. If he is done questions to them of elementary physics, mathematics, philosophy, of fundamental medicine, they do not know what to answer. Incapable to excel in sectors of the culture that demand high intellectual quotient and a great critical spirit, they wish to admire to his friendships doing to them to pass through protagonists and witnesses of those surprising facts. If they do not know to answer the most ingenuous questions on physical science and cosmology,… how they could analyze those events to discard all possibility of natural explanation?


For those people, he constitutes a true one drugs the thought of which the magician and the supernatural thing comprise of their lives. They live thus happy, without realizing that such ideas are alienantes. You own a beautiful evangelical phrase “ONLY TRUTH OS WILL MAKE FREE” have not measured you the wonderful scientific sense of this phrase. The magic, the superstition is other factors that when seizing of the terrestrial social network make it unfortunate. If you continued following the practices magical of the wild healers the mortality index she would continue being highest.


We know whatever will hurt these phrases to certain people who cling to that wonderful world of the dreams. Apparently they lock up a singular beauty to think that something mysterious and magical hides after certain events, apparently you think that the life does not have sense if we do not create in the magic. They think just as the individual vitiated by the LSD (acid lysergic) that, submerged in the dreadful world of hallucinations, he will not want to go out him although the drug destroys its brain. He is enslaved of his habit.


They do not realize of which the most wonderful magic are indeed in the Nature, in the Laws of the WAAM that nor you and not even we are shortage still.


But to arrive at them the STUDY, the LABORATORY ANALYSIS is precise. The easy way of the superstition, the magic, and the ingenuous mystery will lead to them to an impasse. You yourself have been witnesses in the planet Earth of which the magical logorrhoea of the alchemists absolutely did not lead to discover the philosopher stone to them that it turned the lead into gold. Only the specialistic scientists in Nuclear physics, obtained with all cleaning and without fraud, to realise that tramutación.


He still exists an immense heap of laws and wonderful principles generated by WOA (Dios) that to discover. The fast talkers take advantage to call magicians to those unknown principles and romp continuously mixing them with full stories of fantasy like which they were attributed fakires. Many travellers told that saddu forced chela to raise until the end of the cord, soon the boy disappeared in the air. The hermit burned the cord and of his ashes she appeared his small assistant again.


You see it difference that presents/displays a counted narration by an ignorant person lover of the mystery and the magic, that exaggerates the real event unconsciously, and the version strictly scientist who offers the scientific expert who objectively narrates accurately the facts adjusting to the reality… Clear that he is more beautiful to believe a poetic lie that to realise cold calculations with a computer.


Nuestros hermanos se despidieron aquella misma tarde, y fingieron regresar a la capital. Our brothers parted that afternoon, and pretended to return to the capital. En realidad se dirigieron al lugar donde se había verificado el sorprendente fenómeno, esperaron que oscureciera y comenzaron su primer examen del terreno. Actually went to the place where he had verified the surprising phenomenon, waited until dark and began its first review of the field.


El área analizada presentaba como accidente tectónico más acusado una pequeña falla a unos trescientos metros. The analyzed area tectonic accident appeared as a minor glitch sharpest about three hundred meters. Prepararon el pequeño XOIMA UGII recuperable que disponían. They made the little available XOIMA UGII recoverable. Este equipo es desconocido por ustedes y poseemos algunos en la Tierra para nuestros estudios. This team is unknown to you and we have some on Earth for our studies.


Su forma es la de un elipsoide de revolución. Its form is that of an ellipsoid of revolution. Los equipos utilizados en nuestro planeta son mucho mayores. The equipment used on our planet are much higher. El dispositivo está provisto de un generador múltiple de frecuencias comprendidas en la gama de 5.10 20 ciclos por segundo, aparte de algunos detectores de temperatura, intensidad de campo gravitatorio, y campo magnético. The device is equipped with a multiple frequency generator within the range of 5.10 20 cycles per second, apart from some temperature detectors, gravitational field strength and magnetic field.


El aparato se controla por un haz de frecuencia de 6,77.10 20 ciclos por segundo. The device is controlled by a frequency beam 6,77.10 20 cycles per second. Se deposita en el suelo y empieza a generar a su alrededor una capa gaseosa de GOONNIAOADOO (ustedes lo llamarían plasma). Then put it on the ground and begins to generate around a gaseous layer of GOONNIAOADOO (you would call it plasma). La temperatura elevadísima de las películas exteriores de esta corteza de plasma controlada magnéticamente, capaz de vaporizar la sílice, hace hundirse el dispositivo en el seno de las distintas capas de estratos del terreno como una moneda caliente se hundiría en el seno de una barra de hielo. The films of very high temperature outer bark of this magnetically controlled plasma, can vaporize the silica sink makes the device within the layers of strata in the ground like a hot currency would collapse within a block of ice .


Once buried to depths of the order of fifty or one hundred meters it is controlled so that it is moved horizontally (IMAGE 2A) occupying a series of points corresponding to an ideal network, from which it emits a trunkated cone beam of waves (mentioned frequencies) able to cross the different layers, simultaneously a UULUEWA located in the air to a height of 20 or 30 meters, is catching in other so many points of the network, the impulses emitted by the equipment that is sent them from that great depth (IMAGE 2A) 



IMAGEN 2                                                                       IMAGEN 2A


The system presents/displays certain similar with the metalográficos apparatuses radio used by you in this planet, to examine metals with roentgen rays. The difference is based in which instead of to use a gigantic screen to record the x-ray of the land, an aerial reconnaissance element sweeps all the points of the ideal image, registering them and integrating them in a titanium crystal memory, that will in the end offer a view us in three dimensions, of the sine of the explored terrestrial crust with all the obtained internal accidents thanks to its resistances of opacities to the passage of these radiations, can be discovered thus mineral seams, bags of hydrocarbon and water obstacles, buried rock ninepin buried, tunnels and pipes, ruins of prehistoric cities, and objects several of diameter superior to the five centimeters with equipment miniature like that they used our brothers in India.


The examination of the land revealed a first layer of crystallized granatíferas and limestone micacitas, with a densidad elevated in the deepest zone of micáceas slates.


The most outer layer integrated by decomposed clay slates true, little presented/displayed a rich vegetation in varieties.


While the last UIW of afternoon the equipment realised the exploration our brothers located the exact point where saddu had commanded to place the cord. Still they were the uprooted bushes and indicated the passages of the spectators. It did not seem to have nothing abnormal although the examination took control of suitable illumination. A coarse pin that surely would have fallen to some of the assistants in the morning (Then did not present/display oxidation signs) was the unique thing who could find.


A surface of about four square meters was photographed nevertheless and sixteen earth samples corresponding to other so many points took shelter of a network of ideal grid, in the same place where the cord roll was placed. Previously in the morning vegetal fibers of the same had been taken, and they were conserved, by all means, the registries conducted inside the same, while our brothers pretended to examine it indolently.


It was not possible to examine and to verify all the informative material obtained that one day YOA 6 and UURIO 79 they returned to the few days to Singapore where then our old head of the displaced men of UMMO in the planet resided Earth.


The results filled to us of astonishment, don't mention it served the analysis as the superficial photographies of the zone, the registries of the interior of the cord, the chemical analysis of few fibers obtained of this one, the earth samples and much less the pin. Don't mention it they served, but the examination of the inner geologic structure of the zone discovered perfectly and clearly the fraud.



Se apreciaron perfectamente tres galerías entibadas toscamente con maderas, que partían del bosquecillo cercano IMAGEN 3.Three galleries propped up coarsely with wood were appraised perfectly, that left from the near small wood IMAGE 3.


The drawing that I accompany expresses perfectly as the test were realised.


From the three galleries, one of them arrived up to two meters below where the cord was placed. Surely the other galleries would intend to be able to repeat the test in other points without waking up suspicion. A successive series of images sufficiently illustrates without needing words the sequence of phases of the operation (IMAGE 4).


From the underground gallery, a secret assistant, hopes to that small chela introduces by one of the tubes that lead to the surface the end of the cord; helping itself with a wire hook B, he gathers the knot and he throws of him.


Simultaneously he lifts bar D buried in braided fiber iron A covered to imitate cord C. The spectators do not see the operation because he prevents the cord roll, but observe as are unrolled the cord (thrown by the underground assistant) and how this to the air rises.



(What one rises in fact is the bar of vegetal fiber iron covered of the same color).


When the bar has risen to the maximum, the assistant anchor with a hook (e). IMAGE 4 is seen another cross-sectional wood beam (f), chela already can raise climbing without danger.


Now that already knows you will think that it is too easy and will be disillusioned. Also the ilusionismo games, that the terrestrial prestidigitadores usually realise have a simple base. Nevertheless we have not read a single explanation to the famous effect of the cord that saddu would teach. Perhaps a chemical substance able to harden the cord very instantaneously, perhaps a secret device that placed in the knot it made rise by magnetic procedures…


But the reality was simpler although not less ingenious. If all the I devise that you have wasted terrestrial them in deceiving your brothers they would have used it to organize better its society…



Nº de Copias 1

Language: Spanish

Date: 1 -5-1967


Neat Dionisio Buendía





The 17 of September of 1957, our displaced brother in OYAGAA (planet EARTH) YOA 6 son of UNNOO 532 accompanied by 48 EMEE son of EMMEE 44 arrived at a village near AHMEDABAD.


In previous dates first of the brother mentioned ones it had penetrated in India with defined missions of study. First to analyze certain supposed parapsicológicos phenomena and second to elaborate a report around the development, of the TANTRA as well as the analysis of the BHUTASUDDHI or purification (SHUDDHI) of the five elements (bhuta) that compose the body, indispensable requirement in all tántrico rite. The internal motivations of subconscious type that underlie after these practices of the Tantra have for us a neurocortical reaction denominated by us OOGOOIAAIXWEE whom light offers enough on the behavior of the terrestrial OEMII under the effects of the suggestion brought about by the religious liturgies.


This time nevertheless the objective one was similar to the corresponding one to first of the trips. They disembarked our brothers in the then Portuguese colony of Goa, and passed the colonial border in the direction of Bombay and of there to AGMADABAD.


Our brothers carried Finn passport, appearing as consular agents of Finland in a Portuguese city in recreation trip towards Damao, Goa and Pakistan.


Three concrete objectives oriented to our brothers in an attempt to interpret such phenomena. One of them was concretely to solve what there was of certain in one of the oldest Hindu traditions with respect to the snake charmers.


In this city (AGMADABAD) they maintained telephone conversations with an English retailer of electric home appliances appearing like OEMII of UMMO. This retailer, lawyer in mathematics, later received a series of information around the “Theory of Processes” and “Boolean algebra” that surprised to him in great way. Without to arrive to accept that our brothers were really inhabitants of a distant planet, showed his gratefulness, offering series of data very valuable by which was possible to realise short trip to one of small populations bordering and to put in contact with two SHAGAT (species of fakires) that won life realising diverse effects surprising, such as to swallow lead fused and frogs, to eat glasses (soon we knew that it was in fact candy sugar laminae I am transparent) and to put the hands in a box filled with scorpions.


Day 19 of September of 1957, they met to several neighbors with our brothers and a Portuguese companion that acted of interpreter since our brothers pretended to not know the dialect of the country although YOA 6 was a specialist of Hindu semantics by those dates.


The square where the act was celebrated was located in an end of the village. Very badly paved with stones with limestone, with abundant mud by recent rains, one of the SHAGAT corchorus” in that one region went ahead with a great basket woven with a fiber similar to vulgar jute coming from a liliácea of the very abundant sort “.


Not very far there was a source that served as animal drinking trough. Our brothers obtained images secretly, not only of the source but of the environs. They took samples from earth that threw a high percentage of the slime, faecal residues of cow and sand with high quartz level.


One of our UULUEWAA previously had been sent staying at a level of 940 meters on the ground, (it is a esferiformes equipment able to record sounds and to register optical images susceptible to be extended in three dimensions) our brother in his report Says:.


“First thing of afternoon the SHAGAT one sat down with his basket in the ground and began to pray with the arms cruzados, the half-opened eyes whispering the words that were unintelligible. We contemplated the scene to an approximated distance of 14 meters. At our side the other shagat watched to us with curiosity. Two neighbors listened to music in a receiver of transistors and several almost naked children jugueteaban with the mud. We pretended to chat and to read a published Portuguese magazine in Goa but without stopping observing the circunstantes”.


To the forty minutes the SHAGAT orante rose and directed the word to the spectators, who sat down watching it in silence. “Fakir” one approached to teach his basket. It had a form approximated to the section that we presented/displayed in the figure



Our brothers started without shagat was noticed, fibers of the basket so soon that one left the container them they examined so that it. From the interior it removed a cord fragment from esparto that taught to the circunstantes. One of our brothers requested permission to introduce the hand and to examine one by one the cord pieces again, being useful to take small fragments.


Shagat, once satisfied the curiosity distrusted with our brothers, retired again to the proximities of the source. It left the basket in the ground and it was squat putting the hands in the cheeks.


Later it began to whistle rhythmically. It modulated the whistle rythmically so that the fundamental harmonica of 750 cycles per second fluctuated its level during three times per minute, about 0.5 decibels. The decomposed complete fonograma in its main overtones is still conserved by us like memory of that one date.


All could observe astonished as the cord fragments were straightened of their interior left the basket and wound slowly crawling by the mud and approaching the SHAGAT staying raised from time to time to return in the end to the interior of the basket.


One was the same fragments of cord that had been examined minutes before. Doubt that did not fit in its interior nothing existed, since they were analyzed carefully.


In case outside little test, the charming individual of cords offered the basket again to our brothers that cut one to one the cords without finding nothing abnormal.


At night the photographies (UULAYA) obtained with the aid of the UULUEWAA were examined. Unfortunately the images were been out of phase and they did not allow to analyze the happened thing inside the basket well. Nevertheless the movements of the cords could be appraised with high accuracy. They seemed these deformed in his section. The serpenteantes movements were not abrupt since it would have happened to use an artifice as an invisible thread or rods hidden in the sand. On the other hand the absence of such threads was clear since the extension of the images was developing cables or fibers of a caliber superior to the 0.0006 terrestrial millimeters. It was appraised, nevertheless, the ends of very shabby and wet fragments of cord. A careful examination even revealed rythmical torsions in cords and contractions that could not be brought about easily by an underground control of the cords unless that control were very complex (of at least 438 information channels, which had supposed for shagat a true electronic computer connected by means of at least 437 electrical conductors or 438 cables of mechanical connection. On the other hand the images revealed lengths displacements of cords (one of them crossed reptando like a real serpent near 7 meters) without it was appraised to leave the ground remote control cables.


It was necessary to reject a control by electromagnetic waves for several reasons. In the first place it was difficult that humble a Hindu counted on so perfect equipment of control. In addition appreciable levels of such frequencies in all the average wave band until centimétricas by our UULUEWA were not registered. In case it go little, our brothers when examining the cords before and after the experiment were good careful in trying to detect metallic strange bodies or no, inside the plot of esparto without observing nothing abnormal. It was not possible that way to obtain such movements using as magnetic fields; and on the other hand the fraud was very difficult since it was observed perfectly that fakir it smoothly left the basket on the ground without putting his hands and moved away about 2.3 terrestrial meters later remaining quiet while whistled.

That one was really surprising. That one same night without positive result was examined the land. It had disappeared the signs of the reptado one of the cords. The fraud was not detected. Whatsoever a hypothesis that soon was correct was elaborated we will explain as it in the next report.


Nº de Copias 1

Spanish language

Date: 20-6-1 967


Neat Dionisio Buendía





In the preceding report that we sent to him we made a summary of the carried out investigations by our brothers YOA 6 and EMEE 48 in a small surrounded population to AHMEDABAD (INDIA) directed toward analyzing one of average and known activities the Hindu “magical” calls: the cord fragment enchantment that reptan and balances to the compass of music as if they were serpents.


The study of our brothers was unfruitful. Neither the images obtained secretly with the help of our UULUEULA (equipment used by us that can rise to high altitude and whose automatic movements go programmed in their interior) nor the later analyses of the land and small fibers of cord, of which only could our brothers deduce that they were braided with filaments of a plant registered by the terrestrial botanists with the denomination of “corchorus capsularis”. Was nothing of individual in the samples, although they were put under a careful study. Some fibers were attacked by a species of fungus registered with the name of “macrohominia phaseoli”, and some innocuous bacteria. The adhered earth fragments corresponded to the explored land, and some residues of you cover with mats greasy did not seem to have relation some with the phenomenon. One only was abnormal, that the examined fiber was mixed with certain percentage of esparto, plant that is not used generally in the region, for the manufacture of cords.


Day 23 of September of 1957, our brothers decided to confirm, the unique reasonable hypothesis, obtained by via intellect, after to have failed the empirical methods to detect the fraud. Another possibility fitted by all means: that they were to the aim against an authentic parapsicológico phenomenon of transcendental importance. Nevertheless, the sad experience of previous episodes related to other supposed cases that soon were fraudulent, and the nature of the phenomenon that was studying, made anticipate that one effect could be explained by means of a natural process in which the prestidigitación or the ilusionismo was able to bring about a distorted perception. It was necessary to discard in addition the possibility to collective suggestion in the case of our brothers, aside from which the obtained images corroborated the impossibility of this last hypothesis.


For it, they arranged a new interview with the SHAGAT that had realised the “prodigy” days back. The been suitable price was of one hundred ten pounds sterling. The suspicions of our brothers were confirmed and enriched with many more details.


We see how it operated that one Hindu:


In the morning early, it went to the land where later the session was going to be celebrated. There it realised a series of preparations that soon we will describe. This man was used to celebrating his enchantments of cords, to first hours of afternoon. He took his basket whose drawing graficamos in the previous report with color pencils. They will remember that in the base it appeared a circular orifice of about three centimeters of diameter.


In his interior he crudely took to a cord woven with several braids of jute and esparto, and that previously had cut in fragments of about sixty to seventy centimeters in length.


Shagat freely showed the cords the circunstantes, that naturally did not find anything abnormal. The spectators, however, were placed to sufficient distance so that they could not notice itself of the content of the basket. This on the other hand did not wake up suspicions nor distrust some then moments before all had been able to put the hand in its interior, revolver between the cords, and to examine the basket they wished if it. Like in addition, the Hindu immediately placed the basket cleanly in the ground without touching for anything his interior, and soon she separated of her, seemed that more precautions idled.


He was lamentable that the images obtained with our UULUEWUAA did not register the interior of the basket during the process. This type of will include/understand it to error if we explained to them in broad strokes how our UULUEWUAA work. They are these, devices generally of sheroidal form and diverse calibers (of the order of centimeters) In their interior diverse control systems are had.


A UULODOO                       able to register sequences of images in three dimensions and to relay them in interval very instantaneously deferred.


A UAXOO IXINAA                 Species of microphone differential integrated by 734 cells of resonance, sensitized each for a range very restricted of acoustic frequencies. The hearing field extends from 16 cycles per second to 19500 cycles per second. The compensated levels (with practically flat answer) have a threshold inferior of six decibels. (The recording cells of subsonic frequencies, due to their reduced dimensions, do not work with own resonance).


A IBOAYA NOA UAXOO      Liquid helium detector (precise) able to register electromagnetic frequencies that extend from the range called by you centimeter to near the band beta. The registry equipment, discriminates frequencies, amplitude and phase controlling simultaneously the time in which the detection was verified.


Emitter of multiple, generating band of gravitational waves, for communication with the retransmitter and control units, of the information registered by the different equipment.


In addition it goes provided of an equipment of gravitational level, that allows the UULUEWUUA to stay to different programmed heights, by means of registry of the gravitational field, and the corresponding propulsive device. The measurement of the field verifies by means of a miniaturized accelerometer that it values the constant “g” in each point, controlling the behavior in free fall of a molecule of Scn2 Hg (Tiocianato de Mercurio) You see appendix 1.


However: The equipment moves by means of two modalities of control. In certain cases, a transceiver of gravitational field in high frequency emits coded pulses of control that automatically are corrected when the UULUEWAA is in the environs of an obstacle. The operator who is in charge of the equipment located in earth can see in a screen all the field of view detected by the small UULUEWAA. This method despite is used not very often, since it demands the continuous care of a OEMII.


Generally, the space route of the apparatus is programmed previously inside the UULUEWUAA. For it, a sequence of images is provided to him corresponding to the topography of the land that is to serve as guide the apparatus. This succession of images takes determined the trajectory predicted that there is to follow the vehicle miniaturized. This information to memorise itself in a chemically crystallized titanium cell pure.


How the UULUEWUAA crosses that same determined trajectory beforehand? They remember that it goes provided of a UULODOO (species of well-known camera cinematographic by terrestrial ones, whose essential differences with these are based in which the optical objective is not integrated by glass lenses and that the film sensitized with silver salts has been replaced by a screen that translates the photon reception in electrical impulses like an iconoscope of television but by a different process).


Then: while the camera moves, it is picking up successive images of the topography of those places that crosses. This UULODOO extends their sensitométrica sensitivity until frequencies of 7,1012 cycles per second (infrared Phantom) reason why in complete darkness subjective direction is assured.


Such images “'are superposed” to the registered ones in the memory and that previously had been taken as well by another remote-control UULUEWUA from control base. The optical equipment is exploring both images. When first they do not agree with the memorised ones, control impulses correct the trajectory in the equipment of propulsion and direction. The device is designed so that small topographic variations (change of furniture, vehicles, modifications of rock position, etc.) do not alter the result unless they suppose a serious obstacle for the trajectory of moving body (in this way, the UULUEWUA can orient his own movements without the outer conscious control, still with the possibility that in a point of his trajectory it can again be controlled (rarely we used in UMMO the electromagnetic waves for remote control. Use of frequencies gravitational, although they suffer from the disadvantage from which its energy very many more is reduced, presents/displays the advantage of which they are free of parasitic disturbances).


Thus you can include/understand better than one of these directed UULEEWUAA does not fail in its assignment of imaging previously if its reconnaissance route were not programmed with exactitude. That is indeed what it happened in the case that occupies to us.


Once the SHAGAT has retired of their basket begins to emit, modulating it with its lips, a little rich whistle in overtones (base frequency: 750



The basket they leave the supposed cords, reptando with difficulty.


What has happened? Really the apparent cords that leave the basket, are not the same that lie at heart of that one. One is serpents known by the terrestrial ofidiólogos that they catalogue within the family of “colubridae” of sort “OPHEODRYS” of greenish grudges whose lengths oscillate between the 40 to the 70 cm. (nonprovided of toxic eyeteeth) and easy to domesticate.


Magicians put under the Hindu them a long process of conditional learning by means of reflections. Very sensible the heat they urge, them with a series of punishments when they do not obey to be put under the imposed rythmical movements while they listen to the modulations of the whistle. Shagat uses boiling water to frighten them.


Once they have been educated in this way begins a second training process. For it is covered to them with a cover of esparto and braided jute that only leaves frees the ventral zone of ofidio. (IMAGE one).


This cover is adhered to the grudges by means of a very sticky substance gelatinous that the Hindus obtain In this way macerating and boiling two vegetal species (shagat did not facilitate more data and requested more money, supply than it was refused), the reptile from far, with its artificial cover, pretends to be a piece of normal cord.


Shagat hides in the morning to its serpents in a small excavation of the land.


previously it has sprinkled them with a hipnógena solution induces sleep that them during hours. When it is going to celebrate the session, its central orifice with the signal is good careful to place the basket agreeing that marks in the land the position of the orifice. Disimuladamente abre with the finger that perforation of the table (obturated on purpose with a humid mud pellet) the serpents can leave later to the acoustic orders of the master, and be integrated again in the artificial madriguera once finalized the magical act.



Language: Spanish

Nº de Copias 1

Neat Dionisio Buendía.




Doubtlessly since we have informed to them throughout the previous studies, it is precise, when we were in the planet Earth, to analyze and tact wisely extraordinary, all human testimony for a tried parapsicológico phenomenon.


It is thus when it will be to You possible to them, to find between an extensive number of rare and improbable events, some wonderful examples of not controlled human behavior today through the laws enunciated by official science.


The true drama del that is protagonists the terrestrial scientists centers indeed in which the object of this class of investigation, is indeed a terrestrial human being. With its inherent defects to those of the social network in which it has been called on to live. That is to say, with its egoism that inhibits to him to give disinterested collaboration to studious analysts whose unique objective number in extending the borders of the knowledge. Its mitómanas, megalómanas tendencies or exhibitionists whom they impel to him to narrate imaginary events (fruit of its mind or inventiveness) to be white of the morboso interest and curiosity of his Earth brothers.


How many cases will not have registered of Gee or Yie (men and women) that narrates outlandish and not less incitantes episodes of that they try to have been trustworthy witnesses. Miraculous treatments, strange appearances, premonitions on done futures that soon say to have fulfilled mathematical accurately. Most probable it is than such facts have heard simply them tell to a relative or a neighbor, and to reinforce before his interlocutor the testimony, they swear and they perjure it to have seen. It is arrived until the histeroide state to autosugestionar the same narrator and to be believed he himself who indeed has been genuine witness.


In addition: As You put as much emphasis in an erroneous concept of the personal honor, when declaring before a person who has been itself witness of one of these wonderful pseudoparapsicológicos episodes, and to observe the gesture of incredulity of the interlocutor, victims feel automatically, forget the narration in himself for a moment, to defend against all event the ultrajado personal honor. Some terrestrial ones, when finding this skeptical attitude on the part of which they listen to him, become the following reasoning without expressing it.


Indeed I am lying, but it is precise, once I have lain, to maintain this position, to conserve personal prestige; if I confess to humility that I have lain, I will undergo the corresponding humiliation and it will never return to recover that credit. In addition this is not truth, but it really could have happened and when distrusting of my word it is offending to me anyway.


We see then this terrestrial brother of You, to cross a long process of temporary imbalance of its nervous system (Frustration You to him denominate) in which the individual becomes congested, it shouts and it invigorates its nervous energy in the form of harmonic movements of the hands, gesturing and mutter its oral expression of a disorderly way.


It loses, control of his .reason and as soon as it can formulate convincing reasonings in support of his testimony. It is limited to insist on gratuitous affirmations that nothing try, and to proferir threats against which they do not accept by good his testimony.


Thus they will find who refers cases to them of levitation during the cataleptic process (hypnosis) swearing that even owns photographies and documents of specialists or testimonies written of notaries confirming it.


You make then the test request such graphical or written documentation then to them, locating to them they show so that it after days. In the majority of the cases they begin to put objections, simulate to have lost such tests, them to have rendered or not to have time to teach them. Their excuses really serve to identify the lie or the fraud.


We unite to all this Megalomania and lack of sincerity, the attitude of certain Psychopathic syndromes, paramnesia and own hallucinations of some neuropsychiatric disturbances, and notice You with how much distrust is precise to act in this class of investigations,


The people little equipped intellectually. Weak mental and the OEMII with a medium coefficient of intelligence, are accustomed to in such cases of sliding by these two slopes.


Times “going (as it says a popular expression of the Spain country) of ready” pungently proclaim to four winds their skepticism making fun of of such parapsicológicas experiences, and contributing to refute them simplistic, ingenuous arguments, seudo scientists, with a very poor and vulgar dialectic structure.

We have found between the individuals of Spanish nationality, many and varied examples of this position estulta. Almost all of them of low intellectual formation, with studies of Spanish baccalaureate, and even university (it is understood individuals whose university formation has been limited to cross the aptitude tests fraudulently) but at heart of one structure deficient neurocortical.

Then: Such people make fun of very ruthlessly of everything what they themselves have not been able to verify with their own eyes. For them the existence of fakires is a pure legend walking by the live coal. Of yoguis, that reaches certain phases of somatic self-control. Telepathic communications realised by military investigators, existence of other civilizations in stars of UAAM (UNIVERSO) and even doubt the existence of historical personages of this planet.


Its supreme argument: We repeat is this: “I HAVE NOT SEEN IT, AND I ONLY CREATE WHAT I SEE”.


Any lawyer in university Philosophy could quickly refute this so stupid deceit. Since if indeed they are consequent with that sophism, they will have to doubt the existence of the aurorae boreales, because they are never had displaced to those latitudes, Of the filterable virus that causes the poliomielitis, because they have never approached an electron microscope, and of the existence of Pascal, Newton or Quevedo because they did not live that one time to contemplate them visually. It by all means does not deserve to extend to us in opposing a so lacking argument of solidity.


And nevertheless the show is not indeed a fraud that certain Hindu hermits, and many young people of different regions from Europe and Asia, realise walking on live coals in ignition state.


Clear that in this case, against the popular opinion, one is not far from it genuine parapsicológico phenomenon. Indeed: The high temperature brings about an abundant exudation in the feet, You know on the other hand that the liquids can be good heat conductors like mercury, not therefore the water although has dissolved certain salts as in the case of the human sweat. The water is a magnificent thermal insulator when it is in state of small drops (almost microscopic). These watery spheres of small radius (of the order of 0.07 mm,) cannot lead the heat by convection as in the case of a great mass of water. (They remember that You call convection to current interns of liquid who take place when temperature gradients between two points of that mass exist) Then: A drop of water is however (when such conditions are verified) as insulating as certain terrestrial plastics (polyvinyl chloride) But still another effect registered by the Earth physicists takes place with the name of “Peculiar Effect”.


Peculiar effect: Phenomenon that consists of the unequal distribution of the currents of high frequency in the conductive bulks, which offer a greater electrical densidad in the surface (removed from the E. Salvat).


You can verify this spilling on a hot plate (to about 300 degrees C) drops of water. These seem to bounce several times without evaporating. What it happens is that the crust of esférulo evaporates watery. This gas layer is so insulating and elastic that it still more protects the liquid nucleus of the drop (cold).


These drops of sweat happen to sheroidal state protecting the epidermis of the plant of the foot. The same effect You will obtain introducing inside the mouth an inflamed match, If the language remains humid does not take place erosion some.


We will speak another day to them of how the snake charmers are able to animate cord pieces, and the spiritualist schemes for the obtaining of spiritualist photographies without resorting to the double exhibition on gelatin plates of silver bromide.


In the preceding information we have glossed some experiences called parapsicológicas by terrestrial ones, of which we have been witnesses.


Throughout the typed lines, You, in spite of our repeated objections against to have deduced erroneously that the UMMO brothers we are systematically obstinate to admit the genuinidad of such phenomena. It can seem that when unmasking some topical frauds realised by fakires and cheating medium, and we try to ridicule to the terrestrial brothers by their fatuity and its insistence.


But such appreciation if the annoyance is taken to verify our references and to realise an elementary critical analysis lacks consistency.


Our humanity in OYAA (PLANETA) that lodges to us, has gotten to reach a scientific and technological level very elevated if You under a point of view regarding the one of the social network of the planet consider Earth, but same You could without concerted effort deduce that, in absolute terms, that evolution is very small against the possibilities of the human being.


TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABSOLUTE: The longed for goal of all man, probably is unapproachable. We can approach to us asymptotically her, and if of something we can be safe it is of the existence of insurmountable limitations for the man in his way of the knowledge of WAAM (COSMOS) and WAAM WAAM (PLURICOSMOS).


This is precisely why it would turn out foolish to ignore that facets of the Nature that constitute arcane inaccessible, by our scientific methods still exist. If we listened of lips of a terrestrial one that a healer of the suburbs of a great Italian city has been able to eliminate nefroblastoma of the kidney applying his hands in the flank of the patient, we cannot strictly speaking scientist deny without previous study such possibility, and in fact we have recognized in some isolated case the reality of such types of criptoterapeutica.


But, unfortunately, using average of control not known for You, we verified times the fraud, and other that the supposed treatment is consequence of hallucinogenic factors, and of suggestion, that allows the temporary recession of symptoms, especially of the pain (and all You know whichever means exist to eliminate this by procedures studied in the psychosomatic medicine) while the tumor remains latent Which creates then that is to be our conclusion?


The Earth scientists and students are like cautious us before accepting such occultist procedures gladly. Same you can adduce thousands of examples. In the terrestrial years corresponding to the postwar period from 1939 to 1945 many healers proliferated in the United States who assured to cure the poliomielitis.


We accept for a moment that no of them was an imposter, we accept (since it would be impossible to examine case by case, if the treatment were realised, or been a pure suggestion) that all the UUGEEYIE (Niños) were tried effectively until the total disappearance of the syndrome.


Now they examine the quantitative data of the number of patients by infantile paralysis of those days, and compare them with the statistics of poliomielíticos of 1967 after the reiterated application of his modern vaccines studied not by healers but by true scientists.


The evidence is so overwhelming that only being very blind, or being a fanatic or a mentally ill one it can admit that the esoteric route is more effective than the dazzling scientist and without mysterious veils hide that it.


In other words, we admitted that in the arcane ones of the Nature that possibility of treatments inaccessible to the vulgar scientists exists latent and abierta to certain people (even ignorant) possessing of wonderful faculties. But those “wonderful” people do not exist in UMMO and in the Earth when they are pronounced they are not able to make a vaccine that to million children comes up with a virus invasion. At the most they obtain a reduced series of treatments, many of which (even all) are unmasked like fraudulent.


And we asked to them now. Is not then logical that scorn from the intelligent terrestrial people towards everything what supposes to admit the diffuse and vague hypotheses of the defenders of the quack medicine and the esoterismo?


But there am a new point of discrepancy with those intelligent people here who “deny the bread and the salt” (in Terrestrial expression) to such hypotheses. So been mistaken it is without a doubt to precise be excited by the infantiloides theories of the nigromancia, occultism, astrology, spiritism etc., believing and without the smaller criticism its postulates, admitting all the transmitted superstitious popular beliefs of generation in generation, by the social groups farmers of certain slow tribes, as well as to reject them of plane to consider them lack of all rational sense.        


We ourself we have verified, and by all means many terrestrial scientists have been forced to admit, that a percentage, although reduced, of such beliefs has been verified with a serious real base.


We can assert some cases to them, although all You will know a rich casuistry that confirms our observation. Thus no of You must not know that the fishermen of some wounded Greek islands used to stanch the mouldy bread, which brought about the pedantic smile of some Greek doctors, who inquired into the rustic custom, until Sir Alexander Fleming applied certain stocks of fungus “Penicillum Notatum” in its experiences directed to the destruction of germs called by the terrestrial grampositivos.


The cases could multiply, because they were many Norwegian doctors who despised the popular custom of the coastal inhabitants of fiords to provide to the children of small age codfish liver…


And many scientists who ridiculed the Germanic legend on lunáticos individuals, had to admit to the aim the influence of the gravitational field of the terrestrial satellite on certain tumors of the cerebral crust when being these tablets by the selenic action on the cranial vault.


Tenth them that we have been analyzing he makes few months the scientific bases of some of these beliefs. Thus for example in Japan one old very ingrained therapeutic tradition between some farmers exists.


East rustic procedure “KHUROYAKI” is called. The native ones make coarse containers of ceramics, that fill of multiplicity of substances, according to the disease that wants to cure. Thus they can introduce some species of reptiles, vegetal eggs of turtle, leaves and roots, maxilares of some vertebrates, canes of bamboo, lombrices of earth, etc…. Immediately they cover hermetically the orifice of the container with clay, and when it is dried, they warm up the container with earth to very high temperature, the container is to the broken aim and their content uses carbonized it like “effective” therapeutic remedy.


The analysis done by us demonstrated the abnormal presence of some radioactive isotopes in a percentage greater than the obtained one by those same substances submissive the cremation in free presence of I oxygenate.


Chemical elements that disappeared by volatilisation in this case, were nevertheless in the KHUROYAKI. Indeed, we verified that it turned out ingenuous to think that such by-products of the cremation were effective in many affections postulated by the farmers, but who in certain diseases really had real a therapeutic value.  


They cannot because to not deign “a priori” the popular beliefs of terrestrial ones. We, on the contrary, exhorted to them to that, before making fun of of them they analyze, them with attention. An indefinite percentage of the same HAS WITHOUT A DOUBT EFFICIENT APPLICATIONS, although also in many cases the modern techniques surpass by far the weak effects of those. No of you ignores the effectiveness of many ingested medicinal plants in infusion, but science is only able to secure to the maximum yield with the synthesis or the extraction of the chemical compounds that constitute their genuine pharmacological essence.


To sum up, if we suggested this idea to them, it is not so that You despise the hidden possibilities of the WAAM. To want to explain scientifically the realities of the facts is a deceit, because continuously we glimpsed that the area of the unknown laws of the Universe is more and more immense to our senses as we advanced timidly in the study, But so that moderation and objectivity know with to orient themselves in that immense forest of the terrestrial beliefs where between the entangled weeds of the frauds and the superstition unconsciously it is possible without a doubt to find and rare vegetables beautiful that reflect a little that ABSOLUTE TRUTH that all we are looking for day day.


They flee then from the EXTREMISMS. They flee as much from excessive credulity that it impels to them to accept like good any affirmation of its brother, without before realising a serious and impartial study, like of the fanatical skepticism that it suggests to them to make fun of very ruthlessly of everything what it does not happen directly through the direct control of the tact, its retina or its organs of Corti. To think that it only has to accept itself what one sees or is touched is own of oligofrénicas mentalities, and if You for professional or lacking reason of time, cannot or they are not enabled to realise such studies, such systematic verifications or scientific, they adopt a prudent position of listening, are open the possible truth without daring to deny nor to accept fully such possibility.


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